In 2005, Zapf worked with Akira Kobayashi to create a redesigned version of the original, called Palatino Nova. Since its initial creation in the 40’s, Zapf has worked with other typographers to create variations on the original typeface. They are currently both on the latest versions of windows. Microsoft later shipped a version called Palatino Linotype, in response to those claiming Book Antigua origins. There are subtle differences, but in general it is nearly impossible to see the difference. It is also one of the most copied, Book Antiqua being the most notable “copy” having been shipped with Microsoft Office. It is consider one of the most used typeface available, and it has been translated into many medias, digital and otherwise. As such the font was based on the calligraphy pens used during the Italian Renaissance. Palatino was named after a calligrapher in the 16th century named Giambattista Palatino. Most of his work as a graphic artist was in book design, working from his talent in typography. From 1957 to 1974, Zapf worked as an adviser to the Linotype Company. It was here that Zapf created Palatino, Optima, and Sistina, in1948, 1958, and 1951 respectively. After the war, Hermann Zapf was employed from 1947 in the typographical division of the Stempel type foundry. He was even held by the French as a prisoner of war, he was eventually sent home due to his poor health.

However, his career was put on hold by the war, where he was trained as cartographer, after failing during basic training for the army. From there he started his way into the world of typography. In 1935 he began teaching himself calligraphy, in response to a local exhibit in honor of typographer Rudolf Koch. In fact he had to interview with many company before being offered a job as a retoucher, this being because the company was the only one that did not ask him any political questions during the interview. He started his apprenticeship there because the political climate of the time did not allow for him to attend the local Institute of Technology. He was born in Nuremburg and started his career in 1934 as a retoucher at Karl Ulrich & Co, printers. He is also known for his work in redesigning many fonts to be digitized. It was just 3 years after the end of WWII and the whole world was rebuilding and reforming.Ġ8) Other fonts that Hermann Zapf created include Optima, Zapfino, and Aldus.Ġ9) Hermann Zapf is known for his creation of Palatino and Optima. Truman was elected as the 33rd President of the United States. The first monkey astronaut, Albert I, is launched into space from White Sands, New Mexico, on June 11th. The activist Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30th. Old Style also has a contrast between the thick and thin lines are pronounced.Ġ6) Other fonts that use Old Style classifications are Caslon,Ġ7) In 1948, several major events happened that affected the whole world.

Its x-height is also considered shorter then other typeface classifications. It also uses scooped serifs, also known as cove or bracketed serifs.

It is characterized by its slight diagonal stress. This style is considered to be warm or friendly because of its roots in humanism. 02) Hermann Zapf, the designer of Palatino, was born November 8, 1918Ġ3) Palatino was initially released in 1948 by the Linotype foundry.Ġ4) It falls into the Old Style classification of fonts.Ġ5) Old style, or Gerald, classified fonts were initially based upon handwriting.