DMG file is a compressed file format being used widely on Mac computer.
Second, see this How To outline for creating a bootable El Capitan installer. Looking at the service version, port numbers tcp 65xxx being a iphone-sync port, tcp 548 AFP (OS X) will help you to determine OS X version and Hardware but not precisely. Bootable USB Installers for OS X Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, and Sierra First, review this introductory article: Create a bootable installer for macOS. Also you could use a network tool such as nmap with the option -A, -O, or -sV (Active Fingerprinting and service version) and filter Apple mac addresses prefix using a network anylizer. Format your blank USB (8GB is a good size) as Apple OS X Extended.

Once it’s there, insert the USBDrive to the address and click on the right-click button. (Download from App store but make a copy of it before you install it as the Apple Installer deletes it after you use it.) Put it in your ‘Applications’ folder. Here’s How to Make a Bootable USB Installer for macOS X El CapitanOn Windows.Open the TransMac once it is installed. Download and keep a copy of the ‘Install OS X El Capitan’ App.
Mac OS X: launch the Terminal and type ifconfig. How to make a bootable El Capitan Installer. Hoy os traigo un post para instalar macOS Sierra, El Capitán y otros desde USB, algo que os resultará muy útil por ejemplo para usarlo en un Mac sin OS X y para instalarlo desde cero. You must be root user or have appropriate permissions. Tutorial para instalar Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitán, macOS Sierra, High Sierra y otras versiones de OS X desde una unidad USB. How you can identify MAC address and check MAC adress? Windows(XP,7,Vista,8): In the command prompt (CMD), type in getmac (or getmac /v /fo list for full info). The MAC Address vendor database consists of a list of mac addresses of all devices manufactured till date. These are the instructions to follow to create your bootable USB - note there will be tiny adjustments 'Copying installer files to disk Copy complete' and so on will appear in the Terminal windo. MAC Address Lookup Tool searches your MAC Address or OUI in mac address vendor database. Choose the correct createinstallmedia command.

You've found your MAC Address! Apple Laptop Guide. Click Advanced in the bottom right corner. Click the Apple icon in the top left corner.